_ _ _ | | (_) (_) __ _ | |__ _ _ __ _ ___ _ __ __ _ / _` || '_ \ | || '__|| | / _ \ | '__|/ _` | | (_| || |_) || || | | | _| (_) || | | (_| | \__,_||_.__/ |_||_| |_|(_)\___/ |_| \__, | __/ | |___/ Hello and welcome to my small corner of the web. My name is Amir Abiri and as the unusual style of this web page might have hinted, I'm somewhat into computers. More specifically I'm a software developer and architect mostly on server-side. But really have tinkered around with a wide range of platforms, technologies and areas of software development over the years. Some folks argue that programming languages are merely tools, and one should not limit oneself to just a single language. I think programming languages are more like candies in a candy store! You can find out more about me professionally on LinkedIn or personally on Facebook and read some of my random thoughts and rants on Twitter. Or type a commend below to learn more (type 'help' for list of commands):
guest@abiri.org / # _